Today we went to the YMCA Splash park again. It was a lot of fun! Haley made a friend there so she played with her the entire afternoon. Haley spent most of her time in the big pool, as usual, since it is the warmest! She did spend some time in the splash park and baby pool with sissy though. Speaking of, Mikaela was up to her usual learning a new trick every day! She was jumping off the step in the baby pool into my arms! It was so cute and amazing. She is just so comfortable in the water, it never ceases to amaze me. The first time she did it, she just kind of fell into my arms trying to walk off the step. (Luckily mama was prepared!) So, I taught her to jump into my arms after I said 1, 2, 3, JUMP! She did it over and over and over again. She loved it! Mikaela also cannot seem to go more than an hour without eating something and having some juice. (What a little piggy she is!) So she and I sat in the chairs and had snack at least 3 times while we were there for 2 1/2 hours! Here she is enjoying a cookie:

And here she is at home after all the fun in the sun with sun kissed cheeks!

This morning we had a little "issue" at breakfast time. Mikaela decided she didn't want to wait for mommy to make oatmeal for her - she wanted Cheeze Its for breakfast! I told her we do
not eat Cheeze Its for breakfast and she wasn't too happy about that. She threw a fit while I made her oatmeal (mind you I did give her some Gerber Graduate puffs to snack on while she waited) and then happily ate it! After which, I let her have a few Cheeze Its! :)

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