Mikaela had a hot dog and some watermelon for lunch. A little while later, Haley was having a hot dog. In her usual style, Mikaela walked over to sissy's chair and was begging for food! This is her new thing, she has to have some of what everyone else is having. She is like a little bird going to anyone who has food begging for some with those beautiful blue eyes of hers! So, she had to settle for Cheeze Its and juice for a snack instead, which she thoroughly enjoyed!

Anyone who knows me, knows I am a horribly unorganized person. This leads to a lot of clutter in my house! It's not as bad as I am sure it could because clutter drives Mike (and me, really) batty. Well, since he isn't here to keep me in check, I am trying to take days like this where we are staying home to tackle one area of the house that is cluttered and straighten it up. Today, I tackled my desk. I have to say, it feels pretty good to now have a clean desk! It has been a good long while since this desk has been clean!


Holy cow woman! I didn't even know you had a desk!!! LOL
Love ya! -C
Cute pics of the birdie BTW!
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