Today was the best day of the summer so far because we picked Brooklin up from the airport in DC!! We hit some bad traffic on the way up to get her, which meant we made it there just in time! I was so happy to see her smiling face when we met in baggage claim!!! :) I have missed her soooooo much and always look forward to the time we spend together every summer. We never have more fun than than when she is here! Haley adores her, I just love her to pieces and Mikaela is just happy to have another person to hold her! (She likes to be held
a lot!) The ride home was good, no traffic this time! YAY! We stopped and ate at Fuddruckers for dinner. I love Fuddruckers because they have yummy burgers with lots of fun toppings, and, yes, because I just love the name! haha It makes me laugh every time I see it. Brooklin found it to be quite funny as well - apparently she has never heard of Fuddruckers! Mikaela enjoyed some chicken and vegetables baby food, french fries, pickles, some banana and some sugar cookie while we were there! Again I say, such a piggy! We are home now (obviously) and being as silly as ever. I haven't laughed this much since Brooklin left last summer! Izzie is driving us bonkers because she has been locked up in the kennel all day (aside from being let out graciously by Melissa!) so she is FULL of energy - even more so than usual! But, it's almost bed time (which means back to the kennel) and I will take her out and play with her hard core in the morning. :)

Brooklin and I cannot look at this picture without cracking up! It looks like Mikaela is saying, "Come to the dark side! We have cookies ... and juice!" hahahaha

A pickle for the Pickle Princess!

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