Today we hung around the house (other than a trip to Food Lion and Taco Bell) and I attempted to clean up Mikaela's room. I got about halfway done because she had to take naps in there which prevented me from working while she was sleeping and then I kept getting interrupted while she was awake! Hopefully I can finish it tomorrow or something. I took a before picture (be prepared - it's a mess, but nothing compared to sissy's room!! I will attempt it another day when Izzie is gone):

Izzie only has 2 days left with us. It's actually going to be so sad when she leaves even though she has been so naughty at times. She has been SO good the last few days and Mikaela just loves her. She goes and finds her and sits next to her, or on her lots of times! Izzie doesn't mind a bit. She tries to touch Cappy and he snaps at her. So SAD! Here is Mikaela with her buddy:

Another pretty boring day, but I did get a lot done around here so that's good!
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