Today I spent the better part of the day cleaning the house, which was out of control since we have been so busy! Then we headed off to Greenbrier Mall to see if you could replace Brooklin's sunglasses, but they didn't have the same ones. :( We have one more mall to try so hopefully they will have them! We rode the streets of Chesapeake looking for something new and exciting to eat, but we came up empty handed. We did have a run in with a little teenage punk who thought I wasn't going fast enough, but I put him in his place! haha People are just so rude, it never ceases to amaze me!! So, we just came back near our house and had Chili's for dinner since we couldn't find anything exciting. Here are some pics from dinner.

Drinking out of her cup like a big girl!

Mikaela was going to pay! haha
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