Today we did some shopping/errands. First, went to the Post Office to mail off a package to Mike, who should be home in just a few weeks now instead of October!!! We are so completely excited and cannot wait to have him home! We tried to get a memory card for Haley's Barbie Girl mp3 player, but the people at Best Buy are clearly retarded and tried to tell me it did take the type of memory card that I knew it didn't because I have tried and it didn't fit. Silly me, I should have googled it before I left because I did when I got home and figured out what I need! So, we will go get that soon so that Haley can have more than 8 measley songs on her player. Then we went to the mall again. We finally went to Lens Crafters today and got Haley's glasses tightened, which have been loose for months! (I kept forgetting to go!) Brooklin got a totally cute Peace necklace today which was one of our missions while she was here. :) We had some treats from Dairy Queen; Haley got a dipped cone, Mikaela got a little bowl of ice cream and Brooklin and I got Moolattes! Izzie was so cute this morning that I had to snap a picture of her. She must have had some sort of vendetta against Brooklin today because she chewed up her book this morning and her new sunglasses this evening. 1 more week until her parents get home from Seattle!!! haha I know I will miss her though, strangely enough.
On the way home from the mall, we stopped by our neighbors house to pick up their mail. I hopped out of the car and told Brooklin to get in the driver's seat. I let her drive us home!! (She does this at home, so I thought it would be fine in the neighborhood!) She is actually a really good driver! :)
Mikaela enjoying ice cream
Haley eyein' up her ice cream
We let Mikaela out of the stroller to walk the mall - she thought that was great! :)
RIP Cute lil sunglasses!
Haley thought she was gonna die when Brooklin drove! haha (Afterwards, she said you are a pretty good driver actually!)
Here is a hilarious video of Mikaela jammin' to her new favorite song, "Let's Start A Riot" by Three Days Grace! (She bangs her head whenever this song comes on and the "Let's start a riot" part comes on! haha)
1 comment:
The video of Mikaela is too cute!
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